Bookmark #68

I adore winters. Although, I’m always sick and unwell for most of them. I love the chill in the air, interrupted by gradual sips of tea, coffee, booze, and warm conversation. I love how ruthless the cold can get at times as you’re out and about, sitting with your friends, feeling the cold slowly spread around your entire body. Winters in the hills is another experience altogether. The misty roads in the morning and evenings. The slight hazy filter over the entire city. The feeling when you wake up in the morning and want to snuggle in the blanket for a while longer. The feeling when you finally hit the bed at night, and snuggle into the blanket yet again. All of that, and an over-abundance of extra warmth all around you. Everything slows down, and then just stays like that for a lot of months. That’s what I used to think earlier. It has come to my realisation lately that calm and cozy winters won’t make as much sense if the summers weren’t passionate and crazy. As I took yet another walk around town, embracing what is allegedly my favourite time of the year, I realised that you need to be spiraling for slowing down to make sense. With that epiphany, I appreciated summer which is something I had never done before, and maybe, just maybe, I missed the hyperactive energy and eventfulness that had disappeared as the chill began to set in around me.

Bookmark #67

I don’t have a grand goal. I really don’t. I used to think to have more money than I can spend was a good goal. Then, I wanted to save the world. Then, it was something else. The cycle kept going on. Now, I just want to fine tune my life, and figure out the music of it. I want to see how best can it sound when everything comes together. All elements – the people, the things, the habits, the lessons – coming together to play one perfect song; all elements coming together to play my song. There’s no grand goal. There is only a vision plus a little hope that somewhere along the line, as the wheels keep turning and as the clock keeps ticking, I keep finding the right notes and I keep changing the odd ones. Until one day, someone listens to that final piece, and no matter how it sounds, their heart skips a beat.

Bookmark #66

Timmy was a little boy. Everyone thought they knew Timmy. Timmy went away for a while. Timmy did it for the first time. Timmy wanted to tell everyone he did it but they were too busy doing other things. Timmy did it again. Then, Timmy did it every day. Everyone met Timmy when he was back. Timmy did it as they watched. “You’ve changed, Timmy,” everyone sighed.

Timmy’s story sounds familiar because it happens every day. Humans, we’re always influencing those immediately around us, and I don’t mean this in a bad sense. However, the problem arises when you and the Timmy in the story start doing different things and no longer have an influence over each other.

It is at this point that you start to grow differently, for better or for worse, and it isn’t until your paths cross again that you learn how large the gap has become. Whether you take it like everyone and declare it as Timmy’s fault or not is up to you though, and I hope you understand enough to choose the latter.

Bookmark #65

You know what? Some things never get old. A random kid walking down the street to catch a balloon. The moment you realise you’re back home after a long while. A friend sitting across the table with some coffee and food between you. Irrespective of how your life is going, a little puppy will be as cute as it was when you first saw it. No matter how you’re feeling today, a baby’s laughter will sure make you smile for a second. Maybe, it gets aggravating after but when it starts, you smile. You know what? There’s a part of being human that forces us to enjoy the little things. You can be a cynic and refuse to laugh all you want for you’ve seen the worst of life. You can miss out on the little things if you’re willing to do so but you know it too. You know that those little things never get old because those little things aren’t little at all. They’re the biggest part of what makes you human. You know that, right? I know you do.

Bookmark #64

Yesterday was a really good day. As much as I dislike societal norms, I think we ought to give a day or two to ourselves. Birthdays are just an excuse, like New Years’ or any other day that happens every year, for us to put our progress into perspective. I don’t think they serve any other purpose besides that.

There has been a lot of learning, unlearning and relearning in the last one year. The time between I turned twenty-one and twenty-two has been a rollercoaster, personally. I’ve talked to so many people and all of them agree that it’s the age. It’s extremely eventful and things change really fast.

A new friend I made while travelling told me that I’ll be twenty-nine in a blink, and I won’t even realise how time passed. I think I have a feel of what she meant when she said that. That said, irrespective of how much time had passed, some conflicts in my life have stayed the same… or at least, they had until yesterday.

I have come to realise that life goes on not because of certain people or events but despite them. In that sense, all we can do is try and stop controlling situations and take charge of that one thing that we can control–ourselves.

Despite how much chaos brewed in the little things, and despite the few major losses that happened between the twenty-fourth of October last year and yesterday, I’ve also realised that I have a blessed life in most respects, especially when it comes to the people I have in my life–all of them. I am extremely grateful for that and more.

That gratefulness is why I want to move forward setting even better examples for myself and improving continually as a person. To be honest, I’ve really done a lot that I had wanted to do this year but I don’t think I’m done yet.

I don’t think I’ll be done ever. I hope I can keep looking at myself every year and always see myself progressing in what feels like the right direction. Lastly, if I ever look back and notice a misstep, I hope I can correct my course quickly.

It was an eventful year. Thank you for sending in your wishes yesterday, and I’m extremely sorry if I missed your call. Here’s to being twenty-two-years-old!

Bookmark #63

I’ll leave Rajasthan today. I can take the route everyone takes after an eventful journey and say that it changed me but, it didn’t. Nothing happened in the last month which changed me as a person. This trip, if it did anything in the grand scheme of things, only made me clearly see the things I already knew about myself. It didn’t change me; it showed me who I was, and it did so extremely well. I’ve met so many people and collected so many stories. I think doing this was worth it just for those two things. In the end, there’s no larger clarity and there’s no profound wisdom. I guess, there’s only another notch of understanding myself. I guess that’s fine. I can’t wait to go back home again. I just have one detour and one last stop to make first.

Bookmark #62

We went to bed at eleven; our bodies were tired and our bellies were full. We lay in bed and looked at the sky without a shelter above us. The moon shone brightly and the sky had some stars. It wasn’t as breathtaking as we had heard, and in a way, it felt boring so I dozed off. A dog, from the pack of six or seven which kept wandering around us in the desert, started barking all of a sudden at three in the morning. I guess all of us had dozed off and the barking woke all of us up. There wasn’t any talk that happened, and it was only in the morning that we learned all of us were awake. No one said a word as everybody looked at the sky. The moon had disappeared. The sky was full of stars, and there was nothing else. There were just stars spread evenly on a wide dark sheet that covered everything. As I lay there, for I can only speak for myself, I looked at the sky and kept gazing at a star, moving to the next a while later, until my attention was stolen by a shooting star, and then another. I stopped counting shooting stars at twelve. I guess there was no point counting my wishes or blessings. I’m not a believer but for a few hours, I believed in it alright. I don’t remember when I dozed off, remembering things and counting shooting stars, thinking I’ll never see something as beautiful as that night sky. Then, I woke up, almost instantly, to a sunrise, and just in a few hours the universe had proved me wrong yet again.

Bookmark #61

How do you remember what has already happened? Do you remember it clearly or does it feel like a fuzzy recollection of things? Think clearly and be honest. You don’t remember it. You remember bits and pieces. Maybe you remember how you felt in a certain moment and the memory of that feeling dictates how you remember the event. Our memories aren’t how we thought they worked. It’s a trick; it’s a trap. The only way to look at things is to look at how they are now. Maybe, preserve a good memory to feel good when you remember it, to serve as dessert after you savour good experiences or to serve as a shot of booze for the bad ones. Maybe, let a good memory help you escape occasionally. However, never trust it. The past is always hidden behind the veil of time, and time blurs even the largest of monuments. How strong is your memory then?

Bookmark #60

I lost myself more than once in narrow alleys of the blue city. I lost myself more than once this year. I’d stop walking for a second, look around, and I’d just see blue confusion all around. Sometimes I figured it out on my own, sometimes I saw a familiar place, and sometimes I asked for directions from those around. Eventually, I found my way out. I guess, finding your way out works the same whether it’s a blue alley or a blue day. All we really need to do is try, remember, and if push comes to shove, ask.

Bookmark #59

You know, I don’t want a lot; not anymore. I just want to walk amongst crowds, losing myself in them. I want to sit in parks, play with squirrels, and sip a cheap cup of tea. I don’t care about anything that everybody values anymore. I just want to live my life, calmly and without large expectations. In a world where no one shuts up about how legendary their life is, I want to look up at a clock tower under the dark night sky just to bump into a stranger who would laugh and tell me it is easier to look at the time on the watch I’m wearing. That is all I really want now—to have an extraordinarily ordinary life.

Bookmark #58

The Blue City has really blue skies, not to mention the now decreasing blue houses and buildings. As I sat on a rock at Singhoria Hill this evening, something amazing happened. The entire city started to shower itself in lights, one by one. First, Mehrangarh Fort lit up as the dark brown fort turned bright orange under the navy blue sky. Then, one by one, lights started flickering on in different houses and streets. I think it was the overview effect, of sorts, that sitting on the hill gave me but it was really nice to watch the sudden shift from blue to yellow and orange. As soon as the blue city got engulfed in the evening darkness, one rock lit up, and then so did all of them, one by one. I guess, you could take that as an analogy for a lot of things or you could just let it be what it is, a city defeating the evening. At the end of the day, how you look at things will always be how you look at things, and I guess, however you do it is fine as long as you remember to turn the light on when the day gets dark.

Bookmark #57

In a world where everyone wants to get things done as quickly as possible and where data and information travels faster than people can, the word “waiting” has an extremely negative connotation. Tell someone you’re waiting for something in life and be sure to be under fire for wasting your life away over something petty. The problem is how people interpret the word though. The way I see it, whatever has to happen, happens anyway. If that’s true, and it is, then waiting isn’t sitting with your hands idle, one over the other, doing nothing. Waiting is to constantly work on yourself, and to do things, and learn, and be better every day. It is an active attempt to being ready so that when whatever you’re waiting for comes around, you’re in a position to make the most of it. Waiting, in its truest sense, is nothing but an exemplary display of patience, which if you didn’t know, is the most celebrated virtue in history.

Bookmark #55

Maybe, I’m not old enough to be preaching about life but I think I have one thing down clearly. I think there’s only one concrete rule here, and everything else is just up to us. The rule is simple – be alive. To be as excited of kicking a pebble down the street as you would watch a breathtaking view. It’s never going to be a perfect day or a perfect week or a perfect month or a perfect year. The very nature of life means it goes from zero to shit really quickly, and I think it is in those moments that we should remember the single rule there is – be alive. Don’t waste moments worth smiling with half-hearted smiles. It is all-in or nothing. It’s always been that way. The very nature of life is that it goes from being there to just stopping in a flash. I think it’s up to us to choose what we count until it does – our losses or times we were truly alive, even if those times have passed. The very nature of life is to go forward, and we can’t do that unless we learn to be alive.

Bookmark #56

A day in Mount Abu almost felt like being home. The sunlit trails, the trees, the casual attire, and the chilly evening were all reminders of home. The trail to the famed sunset point had me walk amidst people in carts pushed by other people, people on horses, and other walkers like me to reach very noisy spots to see what was an otherwise beautiful sunset. The crowd and the cacophony were so aggravating and in such contrast with how it felt in Pushkar that the first thought which entered my head, unfortunately so, was that people from my country just can’t appreciate beautiful things. They will always be busy buying the mundane snack, haggling with the vendors selling the snacks, judging other families who are on vacation, cursing the government even as the sun sets right in front of their eyes. You get the idea. So, I sat there, earphones in, as Bon Iver played but that wasn’t enough too for this lady couldn’t stop staring at an anomaly in the crowd who watched the sky silently. So, I decided to head back and watched the sunset from a faraway corner. There I met three people, slightly younger than me, who too wanted to enjoy a sunset, click a few photos of it and do nothing else. We talked, got to know a bit about each other, and became friends as we watched the sunset together. Too bad I’ll never enjoy the cheapest corn-on-the-cob like all those people at the sunset point though. It was a sad day indeed.

Bookmark #54

After roaming about the markets of Udaipur, I came and sat at the Gangaur Ghat to watch the sunset when a little kid caught my eye. He sat right between me and the sun, and he had taken his wristwatch off which to me was peculiar. Then, I watched the boy for over an hour. He was there alone and something about the way he sat there made me believe he came there regularly. This little boy complete with his tiny earrings and cropped hair stared at the sun in awe. Then he looked around at the people and the flocks of pigeons flying above us regularly. He played with the water at regular intervals. When the sun had set and the sky turned pink, followed by navy blue, he got up and left as casually as he sat there. He wasn’t there to miss someone or think about his life. He really was there to watch the sunset. It was inspiring to watch him just be himself. It was a reminder to never forget the little boy who wanted to sit by himself, play a bit, and watch beautiful things.

Bookmark #53

Pushkar is first and foremost the fifty-two ghats. Then, it is a market around them. Then, there’s a city around the market. But that’s not all Pushkar is, in fact, the most important part to it is the people. I’ve never seen such an amalgamation of different people and cultures in such a small area. A simple walk through the Pushkar market will have you pass authentic Rajasthani handicraft shops, followed by a falafel stand, followed by a cafe, followed by a pizzeria, followed by a kachori stand, and so on. It all works together. The people who live there, permanently or temporarily, all coexist and love each other. The pigeons love flying about continually. The market echoes with Namastes, High Fives, and friendly banter. Then, there’s the sunset point at Savitri Mata Temple where the sound just ceases to exist. It doesn’t matter where you’re from, how old you are, what religion you follow, or whether you’re a human or a langoor, all of you stare at the sunset in awe and silence. You take it in, together. Eagles soar in the sky as the sun descends over the valley and besides some soft conversation, no one says a word. I think that’s the most beautiful part of Pushkar—the understanding.

Bookmark #52

I came to Pushkar less than two days ago, and there are a lot of things I can tell you about here but there’s a particular thing that really caught my eye while sitting at the sunset point with a couple of friends I made today. There were birds who’d fly to a point in the air and then, just stay in one place. Their wings would stretch out as they floated and soared casually in the iridescent sky. They’d do that until the wind would change directions or perhaps, they’d get tired and they’d plunge downward, and then they’d rise up again, still trying to stand still mid-air. We talked about how we’d wanted to do the same thing. Then, it hit me, not that I said it out loud. We already do the same thing. We find a place, an orientation, in our life we spend some time into, almost standing still, but things change like the wind or we get tired and we take a plunge downward, sometimes really quickly. Just like the birds though, we rise again and float again, and on and on the cycle goes.

Bookmark #51

The only lesson I keep learning every few months, sometimes through myself and sometimes through others, is that there’s no perfect time to do anything. The best opportunity to do whatever we have to do was yesterday. The best we can do is to be a little late and do it today. We have to say things we haven’t said, make calls we haven’t made, write books we haven’t written, and so on, so forth. Time flies away whether we’re ready to take flight or not.

Bookmark #50

You’re sitting at the airport, waiting for the gates to open and for boarding to begin. You’re tired, you’re making a plan as you go and it’s only the beginning of a long time. At least, it feels longer in your head. Months have started to feel like years now. Perhaps, it’s the age. Perhaps, it’s the eventfulness. You’re not in the best state of your mind but you’re still making the most of the opportunities you have in life. As the daily cocktail of thoughts spins around in your head, you look at an old couple sitting right across from you. They’re talking to each other; smiling. The man folds a newspaper and keeps it on his luggage. You look around. You see a lady, way older than you, talking on the phone obnoxiously loudly. You get a bit irritated but then you let it go as you turn your head to the other side. A toddler walks a few steps and then falls flat on the ground. He gets up. He laughs. You see another man approach the seat beside you. He asks, rather excitedly, “Deccan Herald!?” The old man sitting across from you says “yes” as he hands him the folded newspaper. You smile just at the energy of that question. You look further ahead, you see a familiar face. It’s your cousin. It’s a happy coincidence. Before you get up to say “Hi”, you decide the cocktail of thoughts can sit at the back burner for a while. It’s alright. Everything is alright. Alright is enough.

Bookmark #49

I’ve been studying data science lately. It’s funny because you see, data science basically tries to make computers behave like humans, at least a major chunk of it works toward that goal. Yet, the more I study it, the more I have started understanding how humans work.

I guess it’s difficult to judge the human experience from our bird’s eye view of it – it feels complex and annoying and just chaotic – but if you start seeing things as individual problems, it gets simpler. For example, when you make choices, you’re just doing a decision tree. When you’re making decisions based on experience, you’re just solving a classification problem. When you’re trying to figure out who is important and who isn’t, you’re clustering.

Jargons, I know. Sorry for the math overwhelm. Still, I want to get this thought out there. Data science tries to emulate human behaviour. Yet, I’ve felt it has brought me better clarity somewhat on how a human sees things.

The way I see it, all we’re really trying to do at the end of the day is figure out the answer to this one question for countless problems – which side of the line do I lie on? That’s data science.