Marginalia #2

Now that this practice of writing, of putting down pointless frivolities has resumed in earnest, I stopped myself this morning and asked, “what have I thought about lately?”

The answer, as it turned out, was sparingly little. I have not thought about a lot but that there are things in the world that I cannot do much about, and that often one life alone is hard to keep track of not to mention the weight of the entire world. My conclusion to this pointless inquiry in the morning is that we must think about things, and if thinking a lot seems to be out of the question in the spirit of time, we must think a bit but we must think, and that we must do things, we must use our hands and our minds and act, and if accomplishing everything is an impossibility, then, we must do something.

That is all there is to it, to me, to this day, to this life. I have thought a little here and there, and then, I have done some things, and I have good confidence on being able to say hitherto it has been enough. And it may be enough for the years to come. There will be no ballads or tales about this life, but I am certain it will be talked about. Perhaps, at the dinner table at some casual soiree when their plates are empty of agendas and topics, and that is what it will have stood for: a manageable little. But it will have stood for something. I reckon, that is a good result.

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