Bookmark #614

What can happen in a year? Well, the tides of your life can turn, a tailwind can blow and push you into newfound joy, and your ship can sail through. Before you know it, the mornings of December will remind you of the cold in January, where you left from, and suddenly, it will not seem as difficult as it did when you set out, and December was as far as an elusive shore of lore.

And if like me, you begin writing or at least, you begin writing in the way you always intended to, you will learn you can write a lot in a year. You can write more words than you have ever written before, and as luck would have it, a small chunk of them will make sense, too. You will learn there is a method to the madness, and you will learn your way around it. A routine will form, and then, you will break it. Your style will fit over your fingers like a glove—cosy and snug. You will know every bump in your process and how to get around it. You will know how you write during the day and night, and if time is of the essence, you will learn to write on the go—no paper, no keyboard in sight, you will learn to write in your head. All that is to say, you will learn more than you imagined because, as short as it seems, a year is a lot of time for things to happen and, more importantly, for you to learn.

Writing aside, you will suddenly find yourself on a Sunday in a life where you barely have a complaint, and the gravest issue you may have would seem like a pebble compared to the mountain you had moved a year ago.

For all I know, you may know all this already, and you will think these words are pointless. And if by some odd coincidence, you have just begun moving your mountain, if you have just strapped on your backpack with your tools and patience in it, if the strands of doubt pull you from everywhere, this will be whataboutery.

Be that as it may, if you know it all already, let these words remind you to look around. We all lose our focus now and then. And if you are in the process of fixing what needs fixing, consider this a prediction. You can blink in January and reach December in a flash, but a lot still happens in between.

I hope you remember this when January comes around again.

// if you want to support this walk to nowhere, you can pitch in here