Bookmark #132

I don’t want to be bitter anymore. Honest, yes. I’ll be honest, every now and then, yes, I’ll do that. It may send a shiver down your spine or make you just think for a wee second but I’ll not be bitter. I am happy. It’s a life I’ve worked hard to build. I’ve taken my time to step off the rollercoaster I was unknowingly on for years, and I’m alright now. I don’t want to be bitter anymore. I want to talk about the human experience. I want these words to be timeless; to not be barred by some agenda or class or issue in the world. The world has always had them, and the world will always have them. The human experience — the sadness, the pain, the laughter, the fight, the anger, the camaraderie, the every day — will remain forever. That’s what I want to talk about. I want to make you smile and I want to make you think and I want to do it forever. That’s what I’ll leave behind if nothing else. I’m a man out of time and place and that’s how I want to be read forever. That is if anyone ever finds these words hidden in the most obscure corner of the world. I’m happy. It’s a beautiful life, and I’m finally happy. The world is for the taking now, and I’m ready for it again. It’s been years but here I am, and now, I don’t want to be bitter anymore. Honest, yes, but not bitter. That’s the word I want to write starting today: honest, sometimes happy, but not bitter.

// if you want to support this walk to nowhere, you can pitch in here